Upcoming Event: Miami Slalom Open – Oct 18-20, 2013
It’s looking like this could be the best ever and most fun slalom event ever. The event is 3 days, Friday October 18 through Sunday October 20 at Virginia Key. Check out the website for more information and to sign up. http://www.miamislalomseries.com/ Two formats will be run, slalom and super slalom. Check out the Notice of Race, NOR, on the website above.
Darren Rogers will be the race director so this should be the most professionally run event yet. Darren has run Mid-Winters, National, North American and local events with tremendous success around the USA and is highly sought after. We’re lucky to have him officiating this year! In addition to local sailors a large number of international sailors, youth and pro are planning to attend. Sean O’Brien and Kurosh Kiani, pro windsurfers, who are on tour with the PWA slalom series will be competing again this year.
Sign up today!
Ron Kern
US Windsurfing SE Regional Director